Aevo System™ Canadian Launch

December 9, 2016 |  Source: SmileSonica

It’s no secret that Alberta has an international reputation for cultivating innovation and producing leading-edge technologies. SmileSonica, Inc. has emerged as the most recent champion of this reputation. With the Canadian launch of their Aevo System™, they have proven that it is a reputation well deserved indeed.

8 years ago, President/Founder and CEO Cristian Scurtescu began SmileSonica, Inc. with the intention to produce non-invasive dental solutions utilizing therapeutic ultrasound technology. In those 8 years, the company has grown to become a globally recognized leader in non-invasive therapeutic ultrasound dental solutions. Just recently, they received their Health Canada Medical Device Licence which clears the sale of their Aevo System™ in Canada. The sale of this system has been approved in Europe and Australia as well.

The launch party, hosted at the Edmonton-grown company’s office, drew a crowd of government, university, and orthodontic community representatives, as well as stakeholders and strategic partners. Darryl Lesiuk, SmileSonica Inc.’s VP of Corporate Development, began the address by announcing the launch of the Aevo System™ in Canada and expressed his gratitude to the gathered audience. “We’ve all heard the phrase that ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ Well, Alberta, guess what we did? Our community grew a global company. That’s pretty impressive isn’t it?”

With an introduction from Darryl, Cristian took the stage, delving into a brief history of SmileSonica Inc. before speaking more in depth on the Aevo System™ and its benefits. “It is approved for regular use during orthodontic treatment, will facilitate faster tooth movement, and decrease orthodontically induced tooth root resorption. In addition, the system is approved to be used as a complement to both wired braces or clear aligners.” He went on to explain that 3 separate regulatory bodies in Canada, Australia, and Europe have agreed independently that the clinical evidence and data support this claim. “We’re approved to sell to 35 countries on 3 continents,” he continued, “We are already selling to clinics and patients in 5 countries. We’re starting to hear feedback from the patients and the doctors, and we hear only positive feedback about the clinical performance.”

Darryl Lesiuk returned to close the formalities with a heart-felt thank you to the audience. “We know we’ve achieved a significant milestone, but we also know that there’s another summit, another milestone, there’s more work to be done and with your continued support, we know we’ll be able to get there, so I want to thank you on behalf of the team for joining us today.”

Taking a more social and interactive turn, guests were provided with excellent catered fare, Aevo System™ product demonstrations, and tours of the manufacturing facility. It was a unique experience for their supporters and displayed a transparent, honest appreciation for their involvement in their home-grown success story